About me

I live as a gay man in Berlin and am currently working as a social worker in the care service in an outpatient shared apartment. Relationship with other people and sexuality are complex issues. Through several years of self-awareness, I was able to work on my own challenges in relationships and sexuality. I now accompany individual clients, couples and groups with their issues and challenges. I am also familiar with open and polyamorous relationships and LGBTIQ lifestyles.

  • Working as a social worker (care service) in an outpatient residential community
  • Heilpraktiker ("healing practitioner") restricted to the field of psychotherapy (permission from the Gesundheitsamt Lichtenberg in Berlin)
  • Training in Sexual and couples therapy with a focus on relationship dynamics at the Institut für Beziehungsdynamik, Berlin
  • Freelance work in psychological counseling
  • Several years experience in self-exploration groups
  • Bachelor's degree in psychology (B.Sc.)


  • Relationship arrangement
  • Sexual patterns
  • Sexual fantasies
  • Attachment and autonomy / closeness and distance
  • Shame, guilt and anger in sexuality and relationships
  • Sexual wellbeing
  • Sexual health


My approach

I see myself as your companion on your travels, finding and going new ways. I work with integrative methods.

Sexual- and relationship therapy

In sexual- and relationship therapy I accompany single clients, couples and groups (multiple relationships) of all sexual orientations and identities.

With couples or groups I work together with a second counselor, female or male.

Topics can e.g. be: recurring patterns in relationships, unfulfilled sexuality, fear of relationships, sexual problems (orgasm, lust, arousal), fantasies and fetishes, proximity and distance issues, fears and shame in connection with sexuality, perceiving and pursuing needs, clarifying one's own sexual Identity, involuntary single life.

Psychological counseling

Are you facing acute problems, are you in a conflict or a crisis? Would you like psychological support? I support you in sorting yourself and the situation, opening up new perspectives and finding solutions. In psychological counseling, I work with individual clients.

The topics are as diverse as we humans, e.g. Family conflicts, relationships, dealing with loss experiences, problems at work, difficulties in social situations.

Psychological counseling starts preventively before there are psychological disorders with disease value. Psychological counseling does not replace psychotherapy and is not a healing treatment.